Sunday is mother's day, and I have a whole weekend of entertaining and cooking in front of me. But just before things get too hectic and busy, I thought I could take a moment to write something about my mother, and why I want to do something special for her on Sunday.
Like most people, I don't I take enough time to say "I love you mom". I thought I could make a list of 10 things to thank her for, so she can know that I appreciate who she is and what she means in my life. Here it goes.
Dear mom
1. Thanks for your hard work over the years to give me a good education. It is the best gift I ever received, really.
2. Thanks for keeping me innocent and a "girl" for as long as you could. I am glad that I had a chance to be a kid for as long as possible.
3. Thank you for your patience with me when I was young and hormonal and stupid, and that you still love me - unconditionally.
4. Thanks for teaching me (more that anything), how to be grateful for all my blessings.
5. Thank you for teaching me how to have faith.
6. Thank you for not spoiling me. I know how to make things happen for myself:-)
7. Thank you for encouraging my talents, and letting me know you are proud of what I've done with my life so far.
8. Thank you for teaching me how to be a strong and confident woman through your example.
9. Thanks for being adventurous. Because of you, I am not afraid of things.
10. It's not just about the things you did for me, but more about what you were willing to sacrifice to make my life a really good life, so thank you.
I am who I am today because I have an amazing mother. Because of her, I turned out more that okay, and I love her.
Happy mother's day.
Baie, baie dankie my pragtige dogter!! Sonder jou in my lewe was ek 'n armer mens. Dankie vir al jul moeite en wonderlike gasvryheid. Baie, baie lief vir julle!!!